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Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire

Countries that were a part of the Central Powers of World War I include Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire.  These nations united mostly because of nationalistic desires to avenge previous losses to other European powers, particularly Russia and France.  The Treaty of Versailles did not favor the Central Powers and their interests, but intead the Entente Powers that had won the war.  Read below for more information on each country that was a Central Power and how the Treaty of Versailles affected them.
















Please keep in mind as you explore your nations' needs and concerns that the original Treaty of Versailles is considered a major cause for World War II because of the Entente Powers' fixation on punishing Germany and its allies through the negotiations enforced by the treaty.  Unlike it had been when the original Treaty of Versailles was created, our goal in this recreation of the Treaty is not retaliation, but peace.


Ask yourself:

How do you think your nation could have better reflected their concerns in a way that would not greatly offend or limit the progress the central powers to bring about another global conflict?  

How can your knowledge of the repercussions of the original Treaty of Versailles guide you in the class's negotiation of our own Treaty of Versailles? 




Deaths: 1,773,700

Wounded: 4,216,058

Cost of War:  $37,775,000,000


















Consider these Questions:

Why was Germany blamed for World War I?

Even if you weren't assigned Germany, you should check out this link describing why Germany and other Cental Powers were blamed for the war, even by present-day historians.


What were the expectations of Germany that the Entente Powers created in the Treaty of Versailles?

View this link to find information on the purpose of the Treaty of Versailles and its consequences for Germany



Austria Hungary

Wounded: 3,620,000 (90% of forces faced casualties)

Deaths: 1,200,000

Cost of War: 20,622,960,000


Consider these questions:

Why was Austria involved in the war in the first place?

Find more information here.


Was it necessary for Austria-Hungary to be broken into smaller states with the Treaty of Versailles?  Why or Why not?

View this link to find information on how the Treaty of Versailles affected Austria Hungary



Ottoman Empire

Wounded:  400,000

Killed: 325,000

Cost of War: 1,430,000,000


Consider these questions: 

What would Ottoman Zionists (people who wanted a Jewish State) want from the Treay of Versailles?  Was that wish fulfilled?

Visit this link to learn more about Zionists in the Ottoman Empire before and after WWI


What long-term problems did the treaty create for the Ottoman Empire?

View this link to find information on how the Treaty of Versailles affected the Ottoman Empire and the greater Middle East





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